Мilitary and sports college named after Мonte Мelkonyan

Мilitary and sports college named after Мonte Мelkonyan

The first years of Armenia's independence were accompanied by the Artsakh liberation war. No matter how tangible the military successes during the war were, one thing was clear- from then on the independence and borders of Armenia and Artsakh had to be defended by their own forces, for which first of all it was necessary to have a regular army.

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Aleksandr Manucharyan

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Monte Melkonyan Military College, which moved to Dilijan in September 2017, has created conditions corresponding to international standards for academic study. Students' education, military training is organized and carried out by highly qualified pedagogues, military educators and coaches.


The procedure for admission to the "Monte Melkonyan Military College" Foundation is defined by this. Admission to the College is open in July-August of each year. Admission to the College is organized by the head of the College. The admission process of the College is supervised by the board of trustees of the College.


The ideology of the state programme "I Have the Honour" is to link the postponement of the service to future service as commander...

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New housing program for servicemen

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Իգական սեռի քաղաքացիների պարտադիր ժամկետային ծառայություն

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Address: RA, Dilijan, Parz Lich Str., 5, 24/1, 26/1
Phone: +37460713000
Email: g.sargsyan@mil.am