YSMU Military Medicine Faculty

YSMU Military Medicine Faculty

YSMU Military Medical Faculty was established by the RA Government Decree N232 of May 19, 1994 on the basis of the Chair of Extreme Medicine and the organization of medical service at YSMU....

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Educational process

The Faculty of Military Medicine has had departments of medical service organization and tactics, field surgery, field therapy, cycles of military training, military hygiene and military epidemiology, military toxicology, radiology, medical defence, and emergency medicine.
At present, the faculty has the departments of medical service organization and tactics, emergency medicine, military toxicology, field surgery, field therapy, and the cycle of military training.


The ideology of the state programme "I Have the Honour" is to link the postponement of the service to future service as commander...

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New housing program for servicemen

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Իգական սեռի քաղաքացիների պարտադիր ժամկետային ծառայություն

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Address: 2 Koryun Str., Yerevan, RA
Phone: +37410565800, +37410564408
Email: info@ysmu.am