Higher military education for graduates of secondary schools and colleges



• Management of motorized rifle subdivisions;

• Management of artillery subdivisions;

• Management of intelligence subdivisions;

• Management of engineering-sap subdivisions;

• Management of tank subdivisions.

Qualification: Bachelor of "Subdivision Management". The duration of the program is 4 years.


Higher military education for senior officers of the RA Armed Forces


• Management of subdivisions and military units;

• Management of artillery subdivisions and military units.

Qualification: Master of "Management of Subdivisions and Military Units ".

The duration of the program is 11 months.


1. One-year officer courses for graduates of civil universities



• Management of motorized rifle subdivisions;

• Management of artillery subdivisions.

The duration of the program is 1 year.


2. Five-month officer courses for non-commissioned officers and contractors of the Armed forces who completed higher educational institutions 



• Management of motorized rifle subdivisions;

• Management of artillery subdivisions;

• Management of tank subdivisions.

The duration of the program is five months.


3. 2.5-year official courses for students studying within the state order in RA universities



• Management of rifle subdivisions;

• Management of artillery subdivisions.

The duration of the program is 2.5 years.


4. 12-week qualification and military professional training for commanders of motorized rifle, rifle, tank companies (batteries).

5. 21-week qualification and military professional training for commanders and deputies of motorized rifle, rifle, tank division.


The educational process at the University is planned and carried out by the teaching-methodological department, three faculties, and four separate chairs:


1. Command and Staff Faculty, which consists of:

  • Chair of International and National Security
  • Chair of Leadership and Management
  • Chair of Military Arts 


2. Combined Arms Faculty, which consists of:

  • Chair of Tactics
  • Chair of Military Equipment and Services
  • Chair of fire training
  • Chair of armor and automobile equipment


3. Artillery Faculty, which consists of:

  • Chair of Shooting and Artillery Fire
  • Chair of Artillery Tactics and Combat Application
  • Chair of Armaments and Operation


4. Chair of Daily Management of Subdivisions and Military-legal Training

5. Chair of Exact Subjects

6. Chair of Humanities and Languages

7. Chair of Physical Fitness and Sports



The following courses are taught at the University:

  • 68 courses for undergraduate cadets in subdivisions
  • 27 courses for students at the master's program in military unit management
  • Up to 26 courses for those involved in additional educational programs


In order to promote the students’ learning progress at the Military University, by the order of the Minister of Defence, "Zoravar Andranik", "Marshal Baghramyan", "Aram Manukyan", "Vazgen Sargsyan" nominal bonuses were established, as well as "Garegin Nzhdeh" and "Ashot Navasardyan" by public organizations. 

The university has four libraries, two of which are electronic, a gym, a museum, an aid station, there is going to be a swimming pool (currently the cadets use the swimming pool of the administrative complex of the Ministry of Defence). Regular visits to the cultural centers of Yerevan are organized for the trainees as well as for their family members. The food is organized by a limited liability company, as a result of which the quality of food preparation and delivery has been improved.

University graduates are provided with stable, long-term jobs with high salaries, enjoy the benefits provided by the law on social security for servicemen and their family members: housing, free medical care (including for their family members), health resort, free transportation, long-term service pension.