Three-month training gatherings start on August 25

20 August, 2021 12:42
In accordance with Part 2 of Article 58 of the RA Law "On Military Service and Status of Servicemen" and Part 1 of Article 28 of the Law of the Republic of Armenia "On Defence", by Government Decision N 1356-N of August 18, 2021, In order to improve the military capabilities of the reservists, From August 25 to November 25, 2021, three-month training gatherings for reservists of privates, non-commissioned officers and officers of the first category of the first reserve group is announced. If necessary, the participants of the training gathering will be involved in the combat shift.

To provide training camps for three months from the bodies with military transport responsibilities, up to 110 units of vehicles will be involved.

Citizens will be considered servicemen during the whole period of participation in the rallies, will enjoy all the privileges and social benefits provided for the servicemen, their civilian jobs will be preserved, as well as they will be paid for each month of gatherings according to the official rate for the designated military position, depending on from military rank and a number of other factors. Participation in the gatherings, in the calendar calculation will be counted in the military service experience or the total work experience of a citizen.

The evasion of gatherings will lead to criminal consequences.