
1 April, 2021 12:19
By the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Armenia N2073-L of December 17, 2020, the servicemen recognized as invalids of the 1st or 2nd group due to injuries or mutilation received during the hostilities unleashed on September 27, 2020, before becoming beneficiaries of the “Fund of compensation of damages caused to life or health of servicemen”, they receive monthly support in the amount of AMD 300,000 for no more than 6 months.

To use this support, you need to send the necessary documents to

1.copy of your passport or identification card (on both sides);

2. social card number;

3. a copy of the epicrisis of the disease;

4. a copy of the decision of the medical and social examination for the recognition of 1st or 2nd group disability (on both sides).

5. phone number;

6. address of residence.

Servicemen recognized as disabled of the 1st or 2nd group, who have already submitted the above documents, can apply to the branch of VTB Bank (Armenia) at their place of residence, and in case of problems - to the “Fund of compensation of damages caused to life or health of servicemen”.

For additional questions, please contact or call the hotline of the RA Ministry of Defense 1-28.