Press release

23 March, 2021 09:29
As we have already informed, оn March 21 in the conditions of a strong snowstorm, during the transition from one military base of the military unit N of the RA Armed Forces to another base, contact with the contract servicemen K. Shakhnazaryan and A. Oganisyan was lost. On the same day, large-scale search and rescue operations were launched, which were hindered by the incessant snowstorm.

On March 22, in the second half of the day, it was possible to establish the whereabouts of the servicemen. All the necessary measures have been taken to evacuate the servicemen. After carrying out the evacuation works in extremely difficult weather conditions, K. Shahnazaryan was taken to a military hospital. His condition is assessed as serious. Unfortunately, it was not possible to save A. Hovhannisyan's life. The Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Armenia shares the deep bitterness of the loss; expresses support to the family members, relatives and colleagues of the deceased serviceman.

The military police is preparing materials to clarify the circumstances of the incident.