21 April, 2018 00:30The education at the College is carried out as high school general education and three-year special military training programs. Beginning April 20, 9th grade male students of general schools and their parents may apply at the Republic of Armenia Ministry of Defence, or at Monte Melkonian Military Training College, or at their territorial military commissariats, or via www.monte.am website.
Applicants should submit the following documents to the Melkonian Military Training College or the Ministry of Defence, between June 1 and June 29, from 10:00 to 17:00:
1. An application should be submitted via www.monte.am website (may also be filled out at the territorial military commissariats, or at the Ministry of Defence, or at the College);
2. A certificate from psychiatric and narcology clinics (submitted in person, acquire from the polyclinic where the applicant is registered);
3. Form 63 and an extract from the child's medical surveillance card;
4. Autobiography (handwritten by the applicant);
5. The certificate of the 9-year education and a copy of it, as well as the sheet of scores;
6. The original and a copy of the birth certificate (or passport);
7. Four 3x4 photos.
Applicants may additionally submit a letter of recommendation from a high ranking military officer serving in the Armenian Armed Forces.
There will be open orientation days at the College for the applicants and their parents every Saturday and Sunday between 11:00 and 177:00. Visitors may tour the College, request details of the admission process, and get answers to the questions they are interested in.
Medical examinations will be conducted between July 1, 2018 and July 15, 2018.
After the submission of the applications, applicants will get free medical examinations at their local hospital of the Ministry of Defence Garrison.
Subject exams will be held between July 20 and July 25 at the Ayb School in Yerevan (address: 11/11 Tbilisi Highway).
For the purpose of checking the knowledge, capabilities and skills of the applicants in accordance with the subject standards and programs of the general education, they will take 20-point system tests in the Armenian Language and Mathematics. The tests are compiled in accordance with the final test standards of the 9th grade of general schools, while additionally containing exercises to check the candidates' linguistic thinking, speech culture, logic, and analytical thinking.
A physical and psychological test in the form of a three-day open-air overnight camping will be held in Dilijan between July 27, 2018 and August 1, 2018 to check the applicants’ physical fitness, professional preferences and psychological stability. During the camping, physical fitness and psychological observations to reveal the applicants’ degree of responsibility, stress-resistance, friendliness, fitness, balance, willpower and behavioural habits, physical endurance, and agility.
The admission committee the Monte Melkonian Military Training College will summarize the admission results between August 5 and August 10. Applicants will be notified on the results of the exams by individual notice. The results of medical examination and subject tests may be appealed within 24 hours of their publication. The results of the physical and psychological tests are not subject to appeal.
For more information, please call +374 (60) 71-30-01, +374 (60) 71-30-03 or write to: admissions@monte.am.