Press Release

2 May, 2016 09:08
On the night of April 30 – May 1, the Azerbaijani side continued to release recurrent fire at Armenian positions, located at the north-eastern area of the Armenian-Azerbaijani national border, with various calibre weapons and snipers

The RA AF frontline subdivisions have exercised restraint, retaliated only in cases of strict necessity, and confidently pursue monitoring the situation on the border.

In accordance with the situational report conveyed by the NKR DA, on the night of April 30 – May 1, the enemy continued violating the oral agreement on ceasefire, whilst attacking with 60mm, 82mm and 120mm mortars, as well as various types of grenade launchers.

In consequence of the enemy’s violation of the oral agreement on ceasefire, DA serviceman Ashot Zohrabyan (born in 1991), serving on the eastern section (Martuni) of the border, was fatally wounded.

The DA frontline subdivisions applied measures adequate to the developments of the operative situation, in order to

suppress enemy activities.

The RA Ministry of Defence extends its condolences to the family members, relatives and brothers in arms of Ashot Zohrabyan, and share their grief.