The Armenian subdivision involved in the surprise inspection return to the motherland

21 May, 2015 00:00
On May 19, the surprise inspection operation in Tajikistan’s “Kharbmaydan” military, for the unit of high degree of combat readiness of the rapid reaction joint forces of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), came to an end.

After spending about a week in the Republic of Tajikistan and honorably participating in CSTO’s surprise inspection operations, the Armenian subdivision returned home on May 20. These trainings aimed at providing liaison amongst the various subdivisions of the rapid reaction joint forces, harmonizing cooperative operations, and enhancing the efficiency of multinational military formation management throughout combat operations. Upon making decisions, attention was given to measures of stopping eliminating enemy armed groups, as well as the strengthening of collaboration between the subdivisions involved in the trainings. The final phase of surprise inspections occurred on May 19, which was observed by the representatives of CSTO Secretariat, CSTO Joint Staff, and officials of participating countries. The various subdivisions successfully carried out tasks, through joint and harmonious performances. The joint special operations were assessed at the end of the final phase by CSTO Secretary General Nikolai Bordyuzha, who noted that the surprise inspection operations were executed successfully and efficiently; the multinational subdivisions and their commanders proved that, in case of necessity, the CSTO Collective Rapid Reaction Force is fully capable to perform military tasks. The closing ceremony ensued the shooting stage, throughout which servicemembers who distinguished themselves through their performance, were awarded with medals, certificates, and valuable gifts.