Issues of Human Rights Protection in the Armed Forces discussed

23 October, 2013 00:00
On 22 October Deputy Minister of Defence of the Republic of Armenia Ara Nazaryan received a delegation headed by Council of Europe Commissioner on Human Rights Nils Muižnieks.

Welcoming his guests, Deputy Minister of Defence Ara Nazaryan stated that the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Armenia is willing to deepen the existing constructive dialogue with the Council of Europe, for the benefit of strengthening capacity for the protection of Human Rights in the Armed Forces, as well as for improving the management of the Armed Forces in the framework of defence reforms. At the request ofthe guests, the parties discussed matters related to changes in the Law ``On alternative service”, the investigation of deaths during peacetime in the Armed Forces, as well as the cooperation with civil society and the Ombudsman aimed at the protection of Human Rights of servicemen. Deputy Minister of Defence also briefly referred to the measures for strengthening the level of awareness of Human Rights in the Armed Forces, as well as introducing a ``Human Rights” subject in the curricula of military educational establishments. At the end of the meeting the Council of Europe Commissioner on Human Rights thanked his interlocutors for the due responses to his questions.