The improvement of housing conditions at the centre of attention
3 October, 2013 00:00The improvement of housing conditions of servicemen is of highest priority for both the Government and the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Armenia.
As a result, numerous residential buildings intended for servicemen have been put into operation during the last few years. On 2 October an official ceremony took place in the borderline Khachik village of Vayots Dzor Province, during which a new housing estate and apartments were allocated in the framework of the project, which provides servicemen with military apartments. 9 servicemen families celebrated the reception of apartments on the occasion.
The Minister of Defence Seyran Ohanyan congratulated the delighted servicemen and their family members upon receiving the apartments and handed out the keys, as well as the certificates to the apartments.
The Head of Defence stressed that the improvement of housing conditions of servicemen is the permanent centre of attention of the authorities of the Republic and that all is being done to insure that servicemen thoroughly fulfil their military duties, knowing themselves to be under state care and exempt from domestic problems.
After the opening ceremony the Minister of Defence inspected the apartments. Seyran Ohanyan was made aware of the accomplished construction works and noted with satisfaction that the present conditions are in perfect compliance with modern construction standards.