Counsel at the administrative building of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Armenia
9 September, 2013 00:00On 9 September a counsel of the inter-agency working group for the preparation of “Responce-2013” strategic command post exercise (CPE) was held at the administrative building of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Armenia, chaired by Deputy Chief of Staff of the President of the Republic of Armenia Vardan Makaryan.
The session was attended by First Deputy Minister of Defence of the Republic of
Armenia David Tonoyan, as well as by representatives of governmental bodies of the Republic of Armenia.
In compliance with the Presidential Decree of 20 July 2011 ratifying the Development Plan of the Armed Forces of Armenia and the Governmental Decision of 20 June 2013 strategic CPE codenamed “Response-2013” is to be organised jointly with state and military administrative bodies of the Republic of Armenia on the topic of “The actions of high-ranked state officials during strategic decision-making process”.
Training objectives are as follows:
1.Convey experience to governmental agencies in assessing political and military situation, drawing conclusions from situation assessment and making decisions by the Supreme Commander of Armenian Armed Forces (thus enabling the formulation of proposals).
2.Improve the level of work synchronisation between state and military administrative bodies in case of aggravation of political and military situation.
3.Introduce new efficient means in the C2 system.