Honoring Armenian Women at the Defense Agency
6 March, 2013 00:00On March 6 a grand ceremony dedicated to the Women`s Day was held at ARM MoD administrative complex; among the participants were relatives of ARM national heroes, mothers of three sons who are concurrently serving in the Armed Forces, female representatives of NGO`s cooperating with the MoD, female officers and fighters for liberation as well as relatives of fighters who sacrificed their lives in the name of freedom.
At the beginning of the ceremony a special movie made by ARM MoD Department of Information and Public Affairs was displayed for the attendees. Titled ``Devotion`` it was dedicated to goddesses of home and hearth living in border villages, teachers educating generations, mothers waiting for their soldier sons`` return.
Several female officers, mothers of soldiers and contracted servicewomen were generous to deliver speeches on the beautiful occasion. In his congratulating speech the ARM Defence Minister Seyran Ohanyan noted that Armenia might be the only country where the Women``s Day is celebrated all month long, and this comes to confirm the fact that Armenian men truly in love their women. ``I congratulate our mothers, sisters and wives with the 8th of March. I must say that the movie at the beginning of the ceremony, and all speeches of female officers allow us once again reassure and say proudly that Armenian women have always been side by side with their men, and equally bore and overcame all hardships during the war and won it, at the same time warming their homes with love, joy and beauty, and keeping the country in peace``-said the Minister.
The Head of the MoD agency also honoured several females serving for the Armed Forces, mothers and widows of the Artsakh war victims with awards and valuable gifts. The ceremony ended with a show of singers performing for Armenian women.
The speech of Seyran Ohanyan, the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Armenia at the grand event on the occasion of the Women`s Day on March 6