ARM MoD – AUA: Growing Cooperation

11 February, 2013 00:00
On February 11 in the frameworks of ARM MoD’s cooperation with the American University Armenia, ARM MoD First Deputy Minister David Tonoyan met the delegation of AUA led by University head Bruce Boghosyan. Head of the ARM Government Staff Social Department Astghik Mirzakhanyan also participated in the meeting.

During the meeting D. Tonoyan and A. Mirzakhanyan presented details about the research of estimating the educational needs of ARM Armed Forces military units and about the results of the experimental launching of the educational program. They also pointed out that it was estimated as effective and will be continued. As the result of the discussions the AUA’s possible participation variants in case of involvement were pointed out. At the recent meeting between ARM MoD First Deputy D. Tonoyan and the student body and the faculty, the university leadership expressed interest in the ARM Government initiative of involving the servicemen before getting demobilized in preoperational educational programs for entering higher educational institutions.