Systemic approach to humanitarian demining in the territory of Armenia

26 March, 2013 00:00
On March 26, a discussion was held at the MoD administrative complex on humanitarian demining activites carried out since September 2012 in Syunik, Vayots Dzor, Ararat, Tavush and Gegharkunik provinces by the "Humanitarian Demining and Expertise Center"SNCO (HDEC) in cooperation with Swiss Foundation of Mine Action (FSD) and completed and forthcoming non-technical and technical surveys, actual demining operations.

The discussion was attended by Minister of Defence Seyran Ohanyan, governors of the provinces, heads of communities, ambassadors accredited to Armenia and representatives of international organizations. The meeting was opened by First Deputy Minister of Defense David Tonoyan who presented the agenda of the meeting. The Chairman of HDEC Council,Deputy Minister of Defense Ara Nazaryan introduced the phases of the HDEC`s formation, specifications of its activities, current issues and challenges.He also informed that non-technical survey which ends in May 2013 will be followed by actual demining operations. Simultaneously with survey conducts the Information Management System for Mine Action-a specially designed database will be reloaded. “The study of international experience, the drafting of a national mine action program, its approval and subsequent implementation are priority tasks for comprehensive demining activities in the territory of the Republic of Armenia. After the finding of non-technical survey are summarized the HDEC will be able to draft a national mine action plan based on accurate and reliable information and submit it to the Government and will take up its implementation after the final approval ``-said the Chairman of the HDEC Council. In his speech, the Head of the HDEC Ruben Arakelyan briefed the audience about activities and programs of the Center, and about the cooperation with international organizations. The meeting was also addressed by Valeria Fabbroni,Head of Operations of FSD and Johannes Odendaal, Program Manager of FSD in Armenia presenting a progress analysis and assessment of non-technical survey findings conducted in the provinces of Armenia from October 2012 to March 2013, and independent expert opinions with this regard. The meeting was concluded Minister of Defence Seyran Ohanyan who expressed his gratitude to all participants of discussion. In his final remark the Minister noted: ``Extensive demining operations have been conducted since 1994 and it is time weset a systemic approach for the process. Significant work has been done along the borders of the Republic of Armenia to raise the security level. Shortcomings and flaws we experienced during previous activities should be completely removed as we are dealing with the security of civilian population``.