Seyran Ohanyan hosted a delegacy from Germany

6 November, 2008 00:00
On November 6, 2008 the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Armenia, Mr. Seyran Ohanyan received the delegation headed by the deputy director of military-political department of the Defense Ministry of Germany, General of subdivision Hans Verna Vierman and the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Germany to Armenia Mrs. Andre Victorin. Military envoy of Germany to Armenia Brumo Paulus was also present in the meeting.

At the beginning of the meeting Seyran Ohanyan greeted the guests and noted that the visit of delegacy to Armenia sustains the development of bilateral relations. During the meeting Seyran Ohanyan brought a fact that high-leveled military-political relations are formed between the two countries. He also said that the cooperation is mainly rewording in the fields if military medicine, military education and in legal fields. Defense Minister noted that they wish to develop relations in the fields of peacekeeping actions as well. General of subdivision Hans Verna Vierman shifted the greetings of the Defense Minister of Germany to the Armenian Minister noting that such meetings are becoming good traditions. General Vierman thanked the Minister for properly realizing the peacekeeping mission in Iraq by the Armenian armed forces and for being included in the peacekeeping operations in Kosovo as well. At the end of the meeting Seyran Ohanyan added that all the efforts towards deepening the trust, stability, security and cooperation in the region are welcomed. Sides discussed a number of question related to regional security.