Sitting of the interdepartmental commission at the Ministry of Defense
13 January, 2009 00:00On January 13,2009 the recurrent sitting of the interdepartmental commission to organize and conduct the jubilee events dedicated to the 20th anniversary of withdrawing the Soviet troops from Afghanistan took place at the Ministry of Defense chaired by Defense Minister Seyran Ohanyan.
Discussed were issues connected with the visit of the participants of the event to Armenia, as well as the details of the organization of arrangements in Armenia within this framework.
The program of events envisages an exhibition titled the “Afghan War," meetings with servicemen, students of military educational establishments, teachers and pupils of secondary schools, visits of the veterans of the Afghan and Artsakhi wars to memorials to the soldiers killed in the wars, visit to the Yerablur Pantheon and “Haghtanak” Park, screening of archive video materials, concerts, a Holy Mass at St Gregory the Illuminator Church, as well as a meeting with mass media representatives.
At the end of the meeting RA Defense Minister Seyran Ohanyan stressed the importance of such events, noting that those contribute to the patriotic upbringing of the younger generation.
Members of the commission later determined the programs for the near future.