
20 March, 2009 00:00
Regarding the mass disinformation released by the Azerbaijani side over the prisoners of war (POW) of the Armed Forces of Armenia and as if they are refusing to return to their mother land the Defense Ministry of Armenia announces: “According to our information from verified sources, under the pressure of the azeri special services the Armenian POW are being oppressed and restrained psychically and morally in order to make false announcements.

The approach of azeri authorities over POW, as well as forbidding them of having communication with their relatives and parents is a strict violation of international law, particularly Conventions 3 and 4 of Geneva. Azerbaijani side has not yet provided any information via ICRC about Armenian POW P. Simonyan. The Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Armenia once again is assuring its unreserved approach to the admitted international norms, international organizations and the public, while calling the attention of the United Nations and ICRC to study the treatment of POW from azerbaijani side as a subject of internal and external preaching and demanding to stop obscene state activities in this modern times. Based to the constitution of the Republic of Armenia, the citizens of RA are under protection of RA and in future all possible activities will be taken in order to give them freedom.