The Minister of Defence continues visiting military units of N Army Corps

1 March, 2023 12:10
On March 1, in the course of the working visit to the MoD N military unit, Minister of Defence Suren Papikyan greeted the personnel of the military rank.
In his speech, Minister Papikyan emphasized the importance to the progress of servicemen during combat training , theoretical and practical training.
Suren Papikyan paid attention to the strengthening of the troops’ combat capability, ensuring full combat readiness, and presented the main provisions of the Armed Forces' reforms. The head of the defence department assigned the officers to be intolerant against the vicious phenomena and non-statutory relations in the troops.
Afterwards, Minister Papikyan had private talks with the officers, heard their concerns, proposals, and concerned of military service and social security. Suren Papikyan presented the details of upcoming certification process to the officers and expressed conviction of its positive impact on the combat readiness of servicemen.
The Minister of Defence gave some instructions to the command staff of the Army Corps and military unit.