The anniversary of the formation of the suicide battalion " Eagle " was celebrated

16 August, 2022 17:02
In August 1992, at the call of Sparapet Vazgen Sargsyan, the suicide battalion “Eagle” was formed from various districts of the republic. In the future, following the example of the battalion, volunteer suicide squads "Eagle" were created, which, as part of various subdivisions, participated in combat operations in different directions, standing out with unprecedented feats.

On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the formation of the battalion, on August 15, at the initiative of "Artsiv-1 Suicide" and "Artsiv-Suicide Union" non-governmental organizations, events were organized in Yerevan, near V. Sargsyan's bust, in the "Erablur Military Pantheon" and "Mother Armenia" Military Historical Museum of the Ministry of Defence. The participants of the events laid flowers to the memory of their combat fellows, noted the invaluable contribution and role of the battalion of suicide bombers in the first Artsakh war and during the formation of the national army.