Armenia-Greece-Cyprus trilateral cooperation planning consultations were held

10 May, 2022 18:25
On May 10, Armenia-Greece-Cyprus trilateral cooperation planning consultations were held in the administrative complex of the RA Ministry of Defence.

The consultations were attended by the delegations led by Levon Ayvazyan, Head of the Defence Cooperation and Department of International Cooperation, Colonel Socrates Serves, Head of the Military Cooperation Planning and Implementation Department of the General Staff of the National Defence of Greece, and  Colonel Lucas Hajikonstantinos, Head of the Cyprus National Guard Strategy and Policy Department.

During the meeting, the results of the work carried out in previous years within the framework of military cooperation between Armenia, Greece and Cyprus in bilateral and trilateral formats were summed up, prospects for the development of cooperation were discussed.

The interlocutors also discussed issues related to regional security and international developments. The Head of the Department of Defence Policy and International Cooperation of the RA Ministry of Defence presented the situation on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border and in Artsakh, stressed the need for efforts to establish stability and peace in the region.

Based on the agreements reached during the consultations, the program of bilateral military cooperation between Armenia and Greece for 2022 and the action plan of the Armenia-Greece-Cyprus trilateral military cooperation were signed (the program of bilateral military cooperation between Armenia and Cyprus for 2022 was signed in October 2021).

The signed documents envisage dozens of events in Armenia, Greece and Cyprus, which include combat training in special forces, peacekeeping, military medicine, engineering, and other fields, exchange of experience in various fields, exchange of information and military consultations.