In the Centre and Nork-Marash District Administrations Veterans of the Great Patriotic War were Awarded

5 May, 2010 00:00
On the 5th of May, 2010 in the concert hall after Arno Babajanyan RA MoD Seyran Ohanyan participated in the ceremony of awarding the veterans in the Centre and Nork-Marash District Administrations with “65th Anniversary of the 1941-1945 Great Patriotic War” medals.

Congratulating the veterans, Seyran Ohanyan stated that the Great Partiotic War and the Freedom Fight of Artsakh are alike – they are alike because they are patriotic, because they were fought for the Motherland. The RA MoD underlined that today, in peaceful times the example of the participants in the Great Patriotic War should be a lesson of devotion for every citizen, every student and every individual. RA MoD Department of Information and Public Affairs