Commemoration in “Erablur” Pantheon

8 May, 2010 00:00
On 8 May, 2010, on the day of “Erkrapah”, in order to commemorate the victims of the Artsakh War RA Minister of Defence Seyran Ohanyan, president of the department of “Erkrapah Voluntary Union” M. Grigoryan, high ranked officers, relatives and battle comrades of fallen freedom fighters visited “Erablur” pantheon. They put flowers and garlands on the memorial of Unknown Soldier, on the thumbs of Vazgen Sargsyan and Andranik Ozanyan, and bowed at the memorial of the fallen freedom fighters.

Turning to those present, Minister of defence Seyran Ohanyan congratulated them on the 18th anniversary of the emancipation of Shushi and the 65th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War. Underlining in his speech that it was the liberation of Shushi that gave a start to the victories of the newly formed Armenian army, Seyran Ohanyan also stated that we all ought to keep the candle burning for the memory of the devotees of the motherland. We ought to educate the coming generation with the examples of their patriotism and self-sacrifice. We also ought to keep high the efficiency of the Armenian Army, because only a powerful and flexible army can guarantee peaceful days for future. RA MoD Department of Information and Public Affairs