The Happening of June 18 was an Instigator Diversion

21 June, 2010 00:00
On the 21st of June in the RA MoD Administrative Complex at a meeting with journalists the RA MoD Seyran Ohanyan, talking about the Azerbaijani diversion in the night of the 18th of June, announced:
“The RA MoD considers the actions organized against the NKR military posts by the Azerbaijani armed forces an instigator diversion, which is aimed at destabilizing the situation in the entire Armenian-Azerbaijani contact lines and at breaking out a war. The time chosen for these actions proves that the negotiation process in the frames of the OSCE Minsk group serve only as a political gossamer for Azerbaijan’s war preparations.
Also, this diversion action practically proves the settlement of the NK conflict is in that country’s military doctrine in a conceptional level.

What is more concerning is that the fact that the attack on the NK posts, which cannot be denied because they left a casualty there, Azerbaijani leaders do not consider to be an organized diversion and try to present it under a different light. If it was not an organized diversion, then it should be a result of an independent action, which proves our predictions that Azerbaijani leaders, inspired by the quantity of their armament, cannot control the units of their own AF and their commanders. It is full of unpredictable outcomes especially for Azerbaijan, as it can serve as an example and can be imitated by other commanders as well, without receiving a proper order. In case of any Azerbaijani military actions the NKR AF will give a proper counterstroke. However, it is unclear how the Azerbaijani government is going to control the independent actions of its commanders if a war breaks out.”. RA MoD Department of Information and Public Affairs