Conference at the RA MoD
9 July, 2010 00:00On the 9th of July in the RA MoD Administrative Complex a conference was held devoted to the current issues of the RA defence reforms and the future plans. During the conference, headed by RA MoD Seyran Ohanyan, they discussed matters related to the defence strategic review process and the reforms in the frames of it. Reports on implementing the RA defence reforms’ 2010-2015 program were presented.
The conference once again underlined the fact that reforms, new approaches and the modern standards implemented for the sake of the RA AF battle readiness, battle watch and recruitment have already had a positive impact on increasing the quality efficiency of the Army.
Summarizing the outcomes of the conference the RA Minister of Defence gave orders on further plans regarding the reforms.
RA MoD Department of Information and Public Affairs