31 March, 2019 13:02Chair,
Excellences, dear colleagues,
Today’s meeting provides a good opportunity to discuss the ways in which we can work together towards more efficient and effective peacekeeping.
In the spirit of collective responsibility, Armenia has been increasingly expanding its involvement in UN and UN-mandated peace and stability operations, including through involvement in the UNIFIL and MINUSMA. Armenia is a contributor to the NATO-led missions in Kosovo and Afghanistan. We have also shown consistent commitment to help bring lasting change in areas affected by crisis, as reflected through our most recent deployment of a National humanitarian mission in Syria, comprising medical personnel and demining specialists, in cooperation with our Russian colleagues and in response to the request of the Syrian authorities and Armenian community.
I would like to take this opportunity to reaffirm Armenia's continued commitment to contribute to the international efforts in upholding international peace and security and to support to the Secretary General’s reform agenda.
We are currently working on building specialized capacities of a Role 2 Field Hospital and EOD Engineering unit with C-IED capabilities to contribute to UN peacekeeping missions, as needed. These pledges have been duly announced and we are looking forward to completion of the relevant verification procedures to officially elevate our capabilities to make them deployable as soon as possible.
With the support of our partners, in particular with the United States, we are developing a national peacekeeping training capability to ensure proper training for our troops before their deployment to the peacekeeping missions. The goal is to certify this training capability as an international peacekeeping training center and make it available for peacekeepers from other countries.
I would also like to add, that last month the Government of Armenia adopted the National Action Plan for the implementation of UNSCR 1325. The document prioritizes enhancement of training and career development possibilities for women with the view to increasing their participation in peacekeeping, as well as peace-building activities.
We already have women deployed to KFOR in Kosovo and Resolute Support in Afghanistan, and more women will soon be deployed to UNIFIL mission during our next rotation cycle in summer 2019 in order to ensure the compliance with the 15% target set by the United Nations.
Monsieur le président,
En octobre, l’Arménie a accueilli le 17e Sommet de l’Organisation internationale de la Francophonie. Le document final du Sommet, la Déclaration d’Erevan, entre autres domaines de coopération dans le cadre de la Francophonie, reconnaît l’importance d’accroître l’efficacité des opérations de maintien de la paix déployées par l’ONU et les organisations régionales dans les pays francophones, en appellant à la poursuite des efforts en vue de renforcer les capacités du personnel francophone. Dans ce contexte, je suis heureux de noter que, avec le soutien de l’Alliance française, l’Arménie a lancé un programme de formation linguistique pour le personnel de maintien de la paix et que nous actuallement prenons des mesures pour préparer des interprètes de langue française à participer aux activités de maintien de la paix.
Je vour remercie, pour votre attention!