Press release

18 September, 2010 00:00
The Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Armenia states that the information publicized by a number of Azeri news agencies, and spread through Youtube on the 17th of September in the “interview” with M.Saribekyan, alleged member of Armenian “diversion” group who was captured in Azerbaijan, does not correspond to reality.
M.Saribekyan completed his compulsory army service in May, 2010 and does not have any links with the special services. Presenting the lost shepherd, who was looking for his missing cattle, as a member of “diversion” group is another plain step by Azerbaijani propaganda machine. Expert assessment of the video allows to conclude that the video was filmed under physical and psychological pressure and with the use of special methods.

Yet another disinformation of Azeri authorities aims to destabilize the condition on the contact line and mislead international community and its own public, while covering up repetitive military crimes, including the failed attempts of diversion, committed by Azerbaijan. By openly exploiting the information for the propaganda purposes, Azerbaijan once again blatantly violates the well known norms of International Law. In particular, article 6 of “European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms”, article 14 of “International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights”, article 11 of “The Universal Declaration of Human Rights” and many more. We draw the attention of international organizations, in particular the Organisation of Security and Cooperation in Europe and International Committee of the Red Cross to such actions of Azerbaijani authorities. The spread of such a videomaterial in parallel with the appeal presented to ICRC by the parents of M.Saribekyan is an evidence of ignorant attitude of the Azeri side towards international humanitarian norms and casts doubt on the effectiveness of the implementation of these norms by respective international organizations. Armenian Ministry of Defence expects appropriate actions by respective structures to prevent Azeri side from taking such steps. ARM MoD, Department of Information and Public Affairs