Discussions on the situation created over the NKR conflict

12 May, 2016 19:27
On May 12th, RA First Deputy Minister of Defence Davit Tonoyan met with Head of the Office of the Special Envoy for the German OSCE Presidency 2016 Thomas Lenk.

During the meeting, the parties touched upon the situation created over the NKR conflict and issues regarding possible escalations.

The RA First Deputy Minister presented Thomas Lenk with the information concerning the military operations launched by Azerbaijan against the NKR, and the current state on the line of contact between the opposing forces, as well as on the Armenian-Azerbaijani national border. Davit Tonoyan invited his interlocutor’s attention on the fact that, on May 11th, an NKR Defence Army serviceman was killed by a fatal shot from the Azerbaijani side just a few hours after the OSCE Mission conducted a monitoring of the contact line between the armed forces of NKR and Azerbaijan, in the northwest direction of the Talish village, located in the region of Martakert. The given accident demonstrates the inefficiency of the monitoring conducted in the current format by the OSCE, since Azerbaijan continues to commit gross violations of the ceasefire. It was also stressed that, the implementation of international investigation mechanisms on the line of contact will guarantee the prevention of such incidents.

Reference was also made to the information spread by Azerbaijan, claiming that the Armenian side used a white phosphorous shell. Such accusations, once again, outline the necessity of international investigation mechanisms, which will inhibit the propagation of similar misinformation.