The events implemented in the Armed Forces have been summed up

6 February, 2016 09:38
On February 5th, a working consultation was held at the RA MoD administrative complex, dedicated to the discussions on events implemented in the Armed Forces during the month of January, 2016, their results, and further undertakings.

Defence Minister Seyran Ohanyan greeted the attendants, and emphasized that during the accounting period, all envisaged during the accounting period, all envisaged programs have been successfully carried out, in accordance with the AF training plan.

Throughout the meeting, the results of conducted military events have been summed up. The consultation also touched upon the executed works aimed at improving the discipline and vigilance of military staffs located on the frontlines and in the permanent deployment bases, surprise inspections, combat and mobilization preparedness, combat surveillance duty, and frontline fortifications.

The Minister of Defence referred to organization related matters for further undertakings in the following accounting period, and urged to exert more efforts in order to avoid the enemy’s provocations.