A regular session of the Interdepartmental Committee
6 February, 2015 00:00A regular session of the Interdepartmental Committee dedicated to the issues related to the participants in combat operations and the conditions of Union Yerkrapah Volunteers, was held in the administrative complex of the RA Ministry of Defence on February 6, headed by Chairman of the Committee, RA Defence Minister Seyran Ohanyan.
The session was attended by Deputy Chairman of the Interdepartmental Committee, Manvel Grigoryan, Chairman of the Yerkrapah Volunteers’ Union, and representatives of various departmental structures. During the meeting, the attendants touched upon the list of required documents for the participants in combat operations and Yerkrapah Volunteers’ Union members, and clarified the lists presented to the Committee. Several participants in combat operations and Yerkrapah Volunteers’ Union members were awarded with certificates by the Interdepartmental Committee.
At the end of the session, several members of the committee, who have faithfully carried out their service, were awarded with administrative medals and souvenirs.