
14 July, 2014 00:00
For the last days the leadership of Azerbaijan has been rejecting the existence of the members of neutralized Azerbaijani subversive group, concurrently striving to get the prisoners of war (POW) status for them.

In this case the efforts of Azerbaijani government to get the POW status for the members of subversive group are baseless, since the international humanitarian law, particularly Article 4 of the 3rd Geneva Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War clearly defines those who are entitled to the POW status. There is undeniable evidence that in fact we are dealing with a criminal group, which was recruited and employed by the Azerbaijani government for subversive purposes. The members of the subversive group carried no insignia or any other identification and grossly breached international principles and customs of the law of armed conflict perpetrating inhumane and brutal violations against civilian population. The criminal code stipulates pertinent punishment against the neutralized subversive group for their criminal actions such as illegal state border crossing, murder and attempted murder, illegal taping of areas and installations under special protection, etc. Therefore, they will be prosecuted under common procedures of criminal law with strict adherence to the right to fair trial and norms of human rights law. The afore-mentioned incontestable evidence will be available for concerned international organizations upon request.