ARM Defense Minister Had Meetings in Washington

26 March, 2012 00:00
During the visit to the United States ARM Defense Minister met Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta.

They discussed issues of the bilateral cooperation in defense sector and the regional security during the meeting. Leon Panetta appraised reforms underway in the ARM Armed Forces and reassured US readiness to provide support in that sphere. Secretary of Defense also thanked the Armenian side for the essential support in the NATO-led peacekeeping operations carried out in Kosovo and Afghanistan. ARM Defense Minister Seyran Ohanyan noted in his speech that Armenia is to take solid measures to implement the ARM Armed Forces Development Program relying on the full support of all partners including USA. ARM Defense Minster also reassured the readiness of the Armenian peacekeepers to continue to participate in International Coalition Operations. In Washington ARM Defense Minister Seyran Ohanyan also met Director of the Central Intelligence Agency David Petraeus, Assistant of Secretary of State Philip Gordon and Assistant of Secretary of State Andrew Shapiro to discuss Armenia’s defense sector reforms and regional developments.