The New Generation Owns the Future

22 December, 2009 00:00
On the 19th of December in the RA MoD Administrative Complex a science-practical conference was held. The conference was organized by the Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of Education and Science. The topic of the conference was “The issues of the military-patriotic education of the coming generation and the ways of overcoming them”. The ministers of Defence, Education and Science, Culture, Sports and Youth Affairs and the Minister of Extreme Situations, representatives of the RA AF officer-staff, representatives of other RA departments, educational institutions and NGOs, other officials, artists and cultural workers took part in the conference.

Opening the conference and greeting those present, Seyran Ohanyan underlined the importance of the event, stating that in order to talk about the issues of military-patriotic education they had invited the representatives of such structures which have a role to play in the patriotic education of the new generation. First to have a speech was the Chief of the RA MoD Department of Information and Public Affairs, Major-General Vardan Avetisyan. He touched upon the events of multi-importance, organized by the MoD, the programs realized by the NGOs with the support of the MoD, the military-training games organized in schools in 2009, as well as he talked about the programs that are to be fulfilled in 2010. Representatives of other structures also had speeches talking about the events organized by them. They expressed their points of view about the work to be done in the near future to solve the problems of military-patriotic education. During the event a number of AF officers, representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science, RA Police, the Ministry of Extreme Situation and others were awarded with departmental medals, certificates, acknowledgements and valuable gifts. At the end of the conference the Minister of Defence Seyran Ohanyan made a concluding speech. He stated that all the issues of military-patriotic education brought up during the conference need a collective solution. RA MoD Department of Information and Public Affairs