MoD Information and Public Affairs Department


Aram Torosyan

12 july 2022 has been appointed press secretary of the RA Defence Minister

27 october 2022 by the order of the Minister of Defence of the Republic of Armenia, he assumed the duties of the Head of the Department of Information and Public Affairs of the Ministry of Defence

Born on January 8, 1993, Nerkin Bazmaberd, Aragatsotn region

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About the department's activities

The Information and Public Relations Department is a Ministry of Defence is guided by the principles that information should be speedy, confidential, reliable, and comprehensive and based on the analysis of the situation.

Main goals and objectives of the Department:

  1. Ensuring a uniform and effective information policy in the Ministry's system;
  2. Strengthening and developing the relations between the military and society;
  3. Raising the level of patriotic education and national self-consciousness of the youth;
  4. Arranging and developing effective cooperation with governmental and non-governmental bodies and organisations in the field of information security; exchange of experience; implementation of coordinated evetns;
  5. Providing the public with information regarding the Ministry through the Ministry’s media outlets (Hay Zinvor official newspaper, Zinuzh TV programme, Aspar radio magazine, the official website and other media); ensuring the transparency of defence policies;
  6. Preventing the publication of information containing state and official secrets in the Ministry’s media outlets;
  7. Elaboration and organisation of activities aimed at the development and strengthening of the relations between the military and society; ensuring the atmosphere of mutual trust;
  8. Assisting the expansions of civic oversight by civil society organisations through use of international experience and implementation of targeted projects;
  9. In cooperation with governmental and non-governmental bodies, to develop programmes aimed at patriotic upbringing of the younger generation; organisation of events marking state and special military holidays engaging wide;
  10. Studying the level of trust of the different society groups with regard to the Ministry’s activities, the international military cooperation, and its rating; implementation of measures to promote patriotic spirit based on their results (TV and radio programmes, video films, advertising, cultural programmes, military games, etc.)

The Department carries out the following tasks:

  1. Participates in development of conceptual, normative documents related to information security;
  2. Carries out programmes aimed at strengthening the ties between the military and society, and expansionof civilian control over the Armed Forces;
  3. Develops and implements mid- and long-term programmes to promote the patriotic spirit of the society; broadcasts videos; informs the public through TV programmes, publications and the Internet;
  4. Monitos mass media outlets, online outlets and other sources of information with regard to their coverage of the Armenian Armed Forces activities and defence policies;
  5. Organises and implements measures to prevent the publication of information containing state and official secrets in the Ministry’s media outlets; conducts educational and methodological trainings on information security issues;
  6. Maintains the Ministry's official website and ensures its development;
  7. Conducts surveys among different layers of the society and target groups;
  8. Supports the activities aimed at improving the teaching of primary military education in general educational institutions.


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