The readiness and the quality of the executed works of the mobile field hospital of the Armenian AF were highly praised

10 May, 2024 19:15
On May 9, the closing ceremony of the Vigorous Warrior 2024 military medical exercise was held at the Bakonykuti training center near the Varpalota region of the Republic of Hungary, with the participation the personnel of the Role 2 field hospital MTF, operating under the Military Medical Department of the Ministry of Defence.
The closing ceremony was also attended by Deputy Minister of Defence of the Republic of Armenia, Arman Sargsyan and Head of Military Medical Department of the MoD, Colonel Gegham Pashikyan.
According to the results summed up, the readiness and the quality of the executed works of the mobile field hospital of the Armenian Armed Forces, were highly praised. The servicemembers, who participated in the medical exercise, showed the best results, were encouraged by the Director of the MILMED COE, Colonel Dr. László Fazekas.
The mobile field hospital of the AF RA has also received an invitation to attend in the following similar military exercise, the planning of which has already commenced.
During the exercise, the mobile field hospital of the Armenian Armed Forces was also subjected to medical assessment according to NATO standards by NATO experts. Based on the preliminary results of conducted processes the hospital was recognized as "Interoperable", which gives an opportunity the mobile field hospital to be involved in various multinational peacekeeping missions in the future.
On the sidelines of closing ceremony of the exercise, meetings were also organized with the Heads of Military Medical Services of the NATO member states, and issues related to further cooperation were discussed.
It is worth noting that more than 1,600 representatives from 32 countries and 7 civilian organizations are participating in the Vigorous Warrior 2024 military medical exercise.