Delegation of the Kansas National Guard visited the Central Clinical Military Hospital

25 June, 2023 17:30
In the framework of the activities dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Armenia-Kansas partnership, representatives of the U.S. state of Kansas, led by Brigadier General Michael T. Venerdi, The Adjutant General, Commander of Kansas National Guard visited the Central Clinical Military Hospital of the RA Ministry of Defence.
The head of the military medical department of the RA Armed Forces, Colonel Gegham Pashikyan welcomed them at the hospital.
The delegation toured the hospital, got acquainted with its capabilities, as well as with the opportunities of the mobile field hospital as part of the department, and with the preparatory measures for its international assessment.
During the visit, the results of the achievements of cooperation in the field of military medicine were summed up, the importance of further expanding the partnership and the areas of military medicine of greatest interest was emphasized.
Afterwards, the U.S. Army National Guard Bands performed for the servicemembers undergoing treatment in the hospital.